Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Walking L.A.

A old friend recently moved to Las Vegas from Idaho. No doubt he was pining for his ancestral home in San Pedro when sent me the Walk Score for my neighborhood - rating my home as a "Walker's Paradise" with a whoppin' 97 out of 100! This just validates what I've known for years and one of the main reasons why I've chosen to live and work in the Plaza and Vista Del Oro districts of San Pedro for more than two decades.

What’s your Walk Score?®

Walk Score

In more youthful years I lived in Germany and traveled extensively throughout Europe...where people walk, and cities and towns are engineered to accommodate that. When I came back home, the same ambulatory ease was my first priority in my choice of residence, and has been so ever since.  I like to walk, or bike, to accomplish errands and other business as well as give the dog his daily break from yard duty. Often a stroll through downtown to the recently and fabulously renovated harbor walk, or south to the Marina, Cabrillo Beach and/or Point Fermin is the best tonic. And I don't have to move my car to get it.

Living and working primarily in San Pedro, I was delighted to learn about the San Pedro Block-by-Block project a couple of years ago, and continue to be delighted and amazed by the enthusiasm and activities Romee's love has inspired.

Recently I've been branching out in my walking adventures to other parts of Los Angeles and have noticed some pretty cool things. Stanchions near historic buildings, for example. A savvy walking friend of mine shared this with me today, so I'm passing it on to you: Angels Walk LA. Currently there are seven walks, each with its own PDF guidebook and map including access information for public transportation and detailed points of interest. More are planned.